After making your website more search engine friendly at the design time, now The next step is to establish your best search terms (keywords) or better phrases. This is a very important phase of search engine optimization. Keywords are the heart to effective Internet searches. Whether optimizing a web site or searching for a hard-to-find item, consider tapping resources to locate a variety of keywords. Just go for what you THINK are your best keywords and you may well regret it afterwards, when you find most searchers do not use the search term you thought was good.
'keyword selection'is the most critical element of any search engine optimization campaign.the keywords and phrases you select to describe your site within your META tags and body text can make or break your listings in the search engines.Even sites that have excellent rankings will not benefit if those rankings are for unsuitable keywords.
So, be careful while selecting the keywords and phrases for your site, remember to select search terms that describe your products and services in the most logical, simple and specific way. By doing so you'll not only increase the search engine traffic to your site, but you'll ensure your visitors are highly qualified to buy your products and services when they arrive. Research your keywords properly and you are halfway home. Identify keywords and phrases that are relevant to the products,
services, or information you are promoting or searching for. Do you know for example what users are typing into search engine boxes to find sites with similar or the same content your site provides? Do you know what two and three word combinations are most commonly being used and have relevance to your site? Do you know how many competing pages there are for each of your main keywords? Which keywords will bring you the best visit/sale conversions? What keywords your competitors are targeting? There are essentially 3 main methods you can use to establish the best keywords for a given web site.
1. Make a public compaign over search terms. Just try to get some words or phrases that general people mostly use while searching for product or services that you provide. Do it within your known fellows. Than collect the results from everyone and you can normally see clearly what most peoples had in their mind for the keywords relating to your site. This method is particularly useful if you have plenty of people to ask. The more the better really. Ideal for companies with more than a handful of employees. You will commonly see keywords that you would never have thought of yourself and it gives you a great start on your keyword selection process. Studies have shown that 65% of the replies will be 2 words or more combinations. This is good news, I'll tell you why later on this blog.
2. One of the best ways to get ideas for keywords, is to analyze your direct competitors pages. This doesn't mean you simply copy and paste your competitors keyword meta tags into your own site! Also be VERY careful not to use trademarked names.
'keyword selection'is the most critical element of any search engine optimization campaign.the keywords and phrases you select to describe your site within your META tags and body text can make or break your listings in the search engines.Even sites that have excellent rankings will not benefit if those rankings are for unsuitable keywords.
So, be careful while selecting the keywords and phrases for your site, remember to select search terms that describe your products and services in the most logical, simple and specific way. By doing so you'll not only increase the search engine traffic to your site, but you'll ensure your visitors are highly qualified to buy your products and services when they arrive. Research your keywords properly and you are halfway home. Identify keywords and phrases that are relevant to the products,
services, or information you are promoting or searching for. Do you know for example what users are typing into search engine boxes to find sites with similar or the same content your site provides? Do you know what two and three word combinations are most commonly being used and have relevance to your site? Do you know how many competing pages there are for each of your main keywords? Which keywords will bring you the best visit/sale conversions? What keywords your competitors are targeting? There are essentially 3 main methods you can use to establish the best keywords for a given web site.
1. Make a public compaign over search terms. Just try to get some words or phrases that general people mostly use while searching for product or services that you provide. Do it within your known fellows. Than collect the results from everyone and you can normally see clearly what most peoples had in their mind for the keywords relating to your site. This method is particularly useful if you have plenty of people to ask. The more the better really. Ideal for companies with more than a handful of employees. You will commonly see keywords that you would never have thought of yourself and it gives you a great start on your keyword selection process. Studies have shown that 65% of the replies will be 2 words or more combinations. This is good news, I'll tell you why later on this blog.
2. One of the best ways to get ideas for keywords, is to analyze your direct competitors pages. This doesn't mean you simply copy and paste your competitors keyword meta tags into your own site! Also be VERY careful not to use trademarked names.
You can best find your competition websites by searching with what you believe to be your own top two keywords in your favorite search engine and taking a look at the source code of the top 5 web sites in the results. Pay special attention to the contents of the title tag and of course the keyword and description meta tags. These should help you get some keyword ideas.
Successful companies know their competitors.So, Analyze your competitors websites in depth.
3. There are online resources that assist in the process of keyword research and selection. Generally through the use of large keyword databases holding the number of searches for any given term over a specific time frame. Normally a month or two worth of keywords. These databases can be very useful as they not only provide the number of searches but also help with synonyms and common keyword combinations relating to your specific theme. There is one particular company in the UK called Rivergold Associates Ltd. who offer a service called wordtracker. There are also other free keyword databases which I will provive you later on INTERNET RESEARCH CELL.
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